The Big Data project created the biggest disagreement with customers. It's "real time."
There is a customer demand that the collection, processing (analysis) of the data is reflected in real time.
At first glance, it sounds like an easy story, but it is not easy to actually implement. There are many big data solutions that advertise real-time analytics.
But like the demo they gather, the customer's work isn't that simple.
Especially when the concept of "time" is included, the story changes.
The biggest difference from other industries among the many features that Retail has is its sales settlement or End Of Day.
EOD is very important because it is the accounting standard for inventory and sales through the end of the day sales, and that is why it is important to ensure that way.
And you get it because the Internet was developed, and the EOD that was in POS via high-speed networks is now in the cloud.
It has come to the end of the tunnel.
In big data analytics, this EOD is one endpoint of the existing sales analysis, which is a bit far from the real-time analysis.
Big data analytics also require a proactive approach to analytics, and no matter how powerful the computing power is, congestion time can be.
It's bound to happen. (I'll be able to process it at the speed of light sooner or later...)
But customers want real-time data analytics.
Collecting and storing seems to take place at the same time, but not in reality. A lot of analysis solutions have prepared analysis tables in advance, and they're there.
Although it is said to be a way of setting up data, it also takes time and money.
There's a lot of wearable devices on the streets today, and they're pouring out immeasurable data, and as a result of the processing of this data, they're going to have to do it.
seek meaningful insight
But not today.
Steve(JongMyoung) Park, Ph.D.
Ph.D. in Business Administration